What is a breast ptosis?
It is called breast ptosis,when the breast tissue loses fullness and sagging due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain and loss and age-related skin loss, although it may occur at a younger age due to genetic and/or body structural issues. As the breast tissue become loose and sags down, the areola also shifts towards the lower border of the breast.
What is mastopexy?
It is the process of moving the sagging breast tissue to its expected position and bringing the nipple to where it is should be located originally.
What are the breast lifting methods?
Planning and the technique to be chosen is performed according to the size and structure of the patient’s breast tissue. For sagging breasts which lack volume, breast implants can also be combined with the breast lift surgery to add volume to the breast. On the contrary, a better restoration of breasts can achieved by reducing a heavy, large and sagging breast too. Therefore, the desired breast size and form should be determined with your surgeon before surgery.
How old a patient has to be in order to go through a breast lift surgery?
A breast lift surgery can be performed from the age of 18.
What should be taken into consideration before going through a breast lift surgery?
Just like in any other surgery, quitting smoking at least 2 weeks (preferably 1 month) is recommended. For patients who smoke; it is very important not to encounter wound healing problems and not to endanger nipple blood circulation after surgery, so the earlier you quit the better. Likewise, since it causes problems such as postoperative bleeding, it is necessary to stay away from anticoagulant medications that can trigger bleeding issues, and if there is (diabetes, hypertension) systemic diseases should be taken under control one week before the surgery. Before the operation, every patient should go through mammography / breast ultrasound. It is very important for the follow-up checks to have an x-ray image before the breast procedure. Mammography / breast ultrasound should repeated 1 year after the operation.
Will there be any scars left after the breast lift surgery?
Breast lift surgeries including scarring. Depending on the size and severity of the looseness of the breast and the technique to be chosen for the breast lift surgery candidates, there will be a scar around the nipple, and a vertical scar under the nipple and mostly a horizontal scar under the breast. The length of the scar varies depending on the size of the breast, its sagging and skin quality. In patients who do not face wound healing problems, the scars become faded over time and will be barely noticeable.
Can breast lift surgery be performed with minimal scarring?
Regardless of the technique used, if the stiching of the scar lines is done very tightly then, then the scarlines will be too thin to be noticed. If it is done very tightly, then there is a high risk of the scarline to be expand in the long term and create an unsighty look.
Can breastfeeding be affected after breast lift surgery?
Breast lift surgeries do not have any negative effects on pregnancy or post-pregnancy breastfeeding. If the breast will be reduced together with lifting, breastfeeding problems may occur depending on the chosen technique. Therefore, the appropriate technique and age of the patient effect the breastfeeding status of the patient. If the patient is planning to be pregnant after surgery, it would be better to schedule the surgery at least 6 months after breastfeeding period is completed. It is beneficial to perform this surgery after post partum and breastfeeding for long-term satisfaction, as stretch marks and sagging may occur in the breast skin due to excessive weight gain during pregnancy and revision may be required.
Does nipple sensation decrease after breast lift surgery?
If a reduction is planned with lifting, there may be partial or complete loss of sensation in the nipples. Nipple sensation usually returns to its normal state within 6 months.
How long does breast lift surgery take?
Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia in operating room theatre takes 2 to 2.5 hours.
Does breast reduction surgery increase the risk of cancer?
Breast lift surgery does not increase the risk of breast cancer.
Is breast lift surgery painful?
As I apply local anesthetic to the operated area after breast lift surgery, the patient usually spends the first 10-12 hours mostly pain free. After that, pain relievers will be sufficient for pain control. By the end of the first week, patients usually do not need to use painkillers at all.
When can I return to my normal life after breast lift surgery?
It would be appropriate to wait 1 week post breast lift surgery.
What should I expect to encounter after breast lift surgery?
Patients stay in hospital for 1 night. Generally, I use drains to minimize the risk of internal bleeding. The patients are discharged the next day after their drains are removed. After being discharged, it is requested to use the corset bra for 4 more weeks. Post op checks are done on the 3rd and 7th days after the operation and the next check is planned for the 1st month post surgery. Since I use dissolvable stiches, there is no need for stich removal. Since pain and sensitivity may increase with arm movements, it is appropriate to limit physical activity for the first 2-3 weeks. The patient can exercise 4-6 weeks after breast lift surgery. It may take up to 1 year for the breasts to take their final shape after surgery.
What are the risks of breast lift surgery?
As in every surgery, complications such as bleeding (hematoma), fat necrosis (white-yellow discharge after surgery), nipple circulation problems and wound healing problems (therefore quitting smoking is very important), sensory disorders in the nipple can occur but very rarely. If there is bleeding internally or if there are wound healing problems, revision surgery may be required. It is possible to end up with perfectly symmetrical breasts and 100% symmetry cannot be expected because of human nature and anatomy from this breast lift surgery, one breast is always going to be very very slightly bigger than the other, which does not really bother the patient at all but asymmetries that disturb the patient that require revision can be seen very rarely in the post-operative recovery period too. However, insufficient skin quality and significant weight changes after surgery can effect the succes of the long-term results negatively. In this case, after a certain period of time, breast lift surgery may need to be repeated.